Member-only story
Accessing Your Playful Feminine, Because Everything You Do Shouldn’t Benefit Your Man & Kids
“Cultivate the art of taking care of you. This is not only your partner’s responsibility.”
“You are the most valuable investment you’ll ever make.”
A week ago my cousin tagged me in a Facebook video of a dancer performing a very skillful, sensual dance wearing nothing but a scarf covering her hips. For those of you who are not familiar with Caribbean and African culture, many women dance with scarves tied loosely around their hips as the loose fabric looks visually appealing while the hips move, plus it permits flawless movement.
I decided to scroll through the comments of the video and one particular opinion caught my eye. A woman wrote, “She is dancing so sexually?! For what, though? What exactly is the point of this?”
I will admit that this comment was on my mind the entire week, for a few reasons which deeply disturbed me. I dance for the fun of it, but my soul was bothered for reasons beyond anything personal.
This woman happened to be white, so I will assume she is not acclimated to this style of dance from our culture, which is very rhythmic, mesmerizing, and highly feminine and ancestral in nature. But she is not alone: even men of African and…