From my writings you should know that I do not label selfishness as wrong or bad. Selfishness just “is.” It’s neutral.
Every single person who wants to love and be loved has a self-serving motive for why they desire companionship. Nobody loves anybody just for the sake of it, right? This is why we fall in love with certain people; because of how they make US feel. How they make US better people. Because of what they do for US. Again, it’s self-serving in some way, shape, or form; even if you are reciprocating the love you receive in a healthy way.
In my opinion, I am not sure if companionship (via romance) really is as natural as we have been taught. I say that because I mainly see women desire traditional companionship through relationships and marriage. The fact that so many men are able to successfully weaponize women’s desires to love them to their benefit does not convince me. The fact that so many women want someone to love with no luck, are so frustrated with the opposite sex, and spend so much time rationalizing why they don’t have the relationship they want tells me otherwise.
I don’t care to convince anyone to give up if they really want romance. I am here to align with ladies who seek alternatives, as men are not playing the same game women are and some of us want to explore other pathways of fulfillment and living well.