Hi Obinna!
Thank you for your words. I have been through a lot with men, just like many other women and girls. My misandry stems from expecting the opposite sex to behave in a respectful way; you know, the way I treat MYSELF at all times. And I choose to avoid them since they are not willing to change how they treat women, especially the women they’re not directly benefitting from.
Frankly, finding a halfway-decent one out of the bunch doesn’t cut it for me, because once things don’t work out I’m still subjected to harm and mistreatment from men until I find another one of them to protect me. That’s not good enough for me, IMO.
Women either haven’t been through enough of these experiences to say enough is enough, or they choose to chalk up their terrible encounters with men as normal. I personally can’t do it. Anyone who wants such intimate access to my body, time, attention, and love must treat me better than this.