I normally don’t respond to men, but your comment is…intriguing.
Instead of suggesting therapy for women how about telling men to change? Why do we have to adapt to the dangers that men put us through?
If you and other men are so worried with how I perceive reality, I would love to know how you guys plan to make reality safer for women and girls instead of trying to get me to go to therapy. Since of course most professionals would sleep better at night knowing I am putting myself in potentially dangerous situations by way of dating, all while calling this nonsense “healing” and “moving on.”
As I stated in my article, I choose to heal by not dating. Not only because it can be dangerous, but trauma aside, I am not interested in it. I have been in healthy relationships that I’ve ended because I do not understand the appeal or obsession with romance. I really enjoy being single and I prefer it.
Trauma does not make my decisions any less calculated and logical than yours, or any other person’s.
Question: do you head on over to the manosphere and misogynist spaces and tell men they need therapy?