Member-only story
Is This The Reason Why Men Refuse To Put The Toilet Seat Down?
If there is one thing I’ve learned from my days working in corporate America, it is that the defiance of men has no limits and knows no bounds. And there was a male coworker in particular who insisted on testing my patience, or lack thereof, each and every day by taunting my hope in mankind by way of the toilet seat in the coed restroom.
Our office had three restrooms: one for men, one for the ladies, and a coed one. And ever time I was forced to use the larger coed restroom because the women’s (or men’s) restroom was occupied I was greeted by a toilet seat that was never placed back in its original position. This inconvenience used to frustrate the hell out of me, because what woman wants to freak out over the unhygienic act of touching a damn toilet seat after a man used it while her bladder is about to burst?
The first time it happened I was determined to discover the culprit of the annoying toilet seat that refused to remain in the down position. But I kept missing the opportunity to out this man, as no other woman came forward to complain about the toilet seat in the coed restroom, plus the ladies room was available for me to use while the perpetrator was at work.
If I can be honest, I was not at all surprised that no woman came forward to complain about the toilet in the coed room…