Maybe Stop Falling In Love With Men Who Have Disappointed You From The Jump?
“Stop rescuing men! Stop trying to save them from themselves. Stop trying to win a man over by showing him better possibilities that he’s never imagined. It never ends well!”
The romantic cycles of insanity women place themselves in due to their unmanaged emotions is astounding.
I don’t know how some of you ladies do it. The sheer enthusiasm to energetically hop from disappointing man to disappointing man without realizing that falling for men who have shown you that they are not worth pursuing is amazing. Maybe some women enjoy being hurt. Maybe that’s the only excitement they have in their lives. I don’t know. Either way, it’s quite ridiculous how grown adult women behave like children and expect men who have displayed signs of being problematic from early on to suddenly change and treat them well.
Whatever special treatment you are looking for in the lowest caliber of men, I am here to tell you that you will never find it. This doesn’t just go for the opposite sex either. This is pretty much a basic life law that applies to any damn body. Nobody can love you past themselves. So for the love of everything that is good, stop with this “wait and see” nonsense. Just fucking move on!