POV: You Are Done Playing In The Shallow Pools

Sanni Lark
4 min readJul 14, 2024

Sure, we are well-fed physically. We eat delicious food daily. But on an emotional level we starve and abandon ourselves into submission to receive approval from shallow-ass people.

Credit: Emmanuel Edel via Pexels

The first relationship with substance that we must focus on is the relationship with ourselves, because everything including the people we choose to love are extensions of how deep we are willing to go with ourselves, and how much of our truth we are willing to extract, accept, and love without judgment, or labeling this truth as good or bad, right or wrong, immoral or moral.

Too many of us unknowingly enter into energetic contracts known as relationships with others that feel downright empty, and even though we may use these connections to satisfy the physical need for companionship we still are left wanting and needing more.

I want to believe that this craving we have for true nourishment through our social lives is merely a reflection of the neglect we are experiencing with ourselves. Sure, we are well-fed physically. We eat delicious food daily. We receive enough rest and movement in our everyday lives. But on an emotional level we starve and abandon ourselves into submission to receive approval from shallow-ass people.

We beg for deep connection and conversation which requires our loved ones to have a…



Sanni Lark

Channeling sacred, unadulterated, feminine chaos and wisdom through writing. For more primordial womanhood activation visit: https://www.sannilark.com