The Narcissism Of Women Who Believe They Can Steal Your Man

Sanni Lark
3 min readOct 6, 2022

“How on earth do you steal someone’s man if you don’t know if this man even wants your ass in the first place?”

I’ve already discussed the many times sad, lonely-ass women would observe my brother and I out in public. He would overhear them talking amongst themselves, discussing in hushed tones about how they can steal “my man” away from me. The sheer boldness of these ladies always tickled me, because one, I don’t want my brother romantically of course. And two, how can you steal him from me if he doesn’t want your ass in the first place?

As a sister, I have met a few of Chris’s past girlfriends, and they look nothing like the women who believe they can have him if they made themselves known. Not only that, but they didn’t have a haughty attitude about taking someone else’s man and having whomever they please. They were not in secret competition with random women who happen to be out in public with men, be it their father, brother, cousin, uncle, or partner.

In addition, never in my life have I heard my brother tell me that he was interested in any woman who claimed they could make him her boyfriend.

It was always comical to him. As it should be!



Sanni Lark

Channeling sacred, unadulterated, feminine chaos and wisdom through writing. For more primordial womanhood activation visit: