Member-only story
The Opportunistic Victimhood Of Black Men, The Black Woman’s First Oppressor
“Infantilizing adult black men as a ruse to excuse them from their heinous behaviors has never solved anything.”
I will never forget the day my eyes were scarred at the sight of an article written by a white woman, who at the time was involved in an interracial relationship with a black man. She had the nerve to tell black women they should forgive “the black man” for the centuries of abuse, humiliation, and violence we have endured by them without so much as an apology, much less changed behavior. Her rationale was that black men, grown adult males with families of their own, have been conditioned by “the white man” to hate their own women, and as a result they cannot help the way they treat us.
This woman, and any others who share her sentiments, needs to understand two things. First, black men are the black woman’s first oppressor. The issues black women have with black men should be regarded as a part of black history, as they began long before any white man placed shackles on my ancestor’s feet and shipped them out of their homeland. Lastly, hopping on black dick on a regular basis does not qualify you to suggest or demand that any woman erase the intergenerational trauma inflicted by the very men who have financially benefitted from this harm; men we have been conditioned by our…